
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Go Team Go

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”
Helen Keller
Reason to blog # 341
To be part of a team.
Since I started to blog about health, I have started to wear all kind of different hats.
Often I wear a “coach” hat. Sometimes the coach is hard and seems ready to send you out to the shower because you are not playing the way you could. Sometimes the coach is encouraging you because you did a good play or because you came back after a poor play and you need a little boost. The most important thing about coaches is that they want everyone to be winners. We are a team!
Often, I'm sporting a player hat in this team and just follow the leaders. I tried to mirror my play on your plays. I strive for excellence and aim at being the MVP (Most Valuable Player). But if I am not the MVP and we all win, we all win!
I also wear a recruit hat. I need to learn a lot more about health rules. What, where, when, why, how often to: eat, exercise, listen to my body, etc…  This is also when I end up experimenting plays that might get the spectator banging their heads in confusion; like when I got sunburns or ate badly just to see if I could control losing weight this way.
Don't forget, there are spectators. They are there looking at the game, maybe trying to figure out if they should join in to attain their health goal. They cheer most of the time quietly or like in the instance when Lee commented for the first time on my blog: “After finding your blog just a few days ago, you have given me the one thing I haven't gotten from the many others Hope and a new perspective” This was a humbling moment I realized that being part of this team was so much more than being by myself. This is when I realized that I was not pulling everyone around, I was being pushed as much as I was pulling.
I know some of you, make your play “in secret”, keeping it from the one you care about. You don't tell your family or closest friends because maybe you have tried to get healthier before and you want to spare them this journey. But from a caring person to another, if they really want the best for you, wouldn't they approve of your changes? I'm really transparent, I post on facebook whenever I write a new health post. Friends and families are “warned”, I want FIRST to be healthy and I let nothing between my goal and me. But so far, no one has put any pressure on me to drop my health journey. You know what happened? They joined the team! They think about their own health, they don’t try to push food or insist on offering a second serving. Isn't this the best motivation?
Any one care about the score?


  1. Things are going great, but just wait until I visit...they will still go great! :D


  2. People share so many trivial things without blinking an eye. I personally love when people share things that are important and inspiring. So share away, my friend! You'll inspire others to join and that's a good thing!

  3. Richard - I love the quote at the start of this post.

    All the best Jan

  4. Much luck and FUN to you on this journey.

    So ... have you found any new-to-you foods that you fancy these days? Maybe something you never liked before but now enjoy it?

    1. When in the best team, there is no need for luck, it is fun :)

      I can assure you, I'm not pregnant, as a matter of fact I'm the MAN in our couple hahaha so no craving for new food. For now, I stick to my goal and I'm not ready to introduce new items on the menu. But soon, really soon, I'll be looking for some changes, not because I want to change but because I want to get a broader range of healthy menu.

    2. Cool beans. I hope you come across a tasty new whole food that tickles your fancy.

      I saw dragon fruit on a blog and now I'm curious to give it a go. So pretty.

    3. I just checked dragon fruit out, it seems the texture of kiwi which I like so will give it a try when I find some!
