
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Age is Relative

It's hard to believe another week has gone by. This morning it was time for my step-up on the scale ritual.
The numbers stopped at 175.2, that is a 1.4 lb loss in a week. I think even my doctor would approve of this slower pace.
This week for my exercise I just walked 5-6000 steps a day. I also started to eat more, for example the orange cranberry loaf is gone. I had help with it though, I didn't binge. I found out that with increasing the amount of food I eat, I get hungrier faster. Strange to eat more and want more.
On my post about Growing Old, I got two comments about my age: “I don't think 55 is old by anyone's measure.” and “55 is definitely not old”.
When I wrote my post, I was dealing with the punch I got after learning I had a degenerative back problem and I was told I have to limit what I do.
I have been really good at getting my weight down with the goal of increasing my quality of life only to learn that I'll have to think in term of managing pain and limiting my activities. This blows!
But it's nothing I will waste time getting upset about, it's the hand I was dealt and it's the hand I will play.
There are people who are 25 years old and have to deal with a lot worse than I have. There are others that are 80 and are in much better shape. So a number is a number, there is no age that is considered “old”. We played pickelball with young 80 years old and I was an old 55.
I don't consider myself old but there are signs that I'm not in my prime anymore.
I remember when I was 18 or 19, my brother was 24-25 (we are 6 years apart). At the time, he was in a “low paying” job, working nights and getting minimum wage. He couldn’t see a way out. He told me he was too old and couldn’t do anything else!!! He was gifted, he had a green thumb, there were healthy plants all over his house, he  had an aquarium and he was breeding his own fishes and birds.
He could have been the best in either fields (pet store or florist) but in HIS mind, he was too old to start over. It just doesn’t matter what is right in front of you, it is what you see that is important!
I don’t have any relationship with my family, I cut that off, but the last time I saw my brother he was 37 years old. He had started a business with temporary garages which he would install in the fall and take down in the spring. He was also working at the same type of business as when he was in his twenties still hating the work and still hating the business. I’m sure nothing has changed now that he is 61.
Age is relative but not time! You can’t do anything about one, no fountain of youth yet, but you can change the quality of how you spend your time.
I had this quote on my wall at work (I don't know who it’s from):
Make play a high priority in your life for if you die tomorrow no one can play for you, but someone will do your work for you!!”
It's going to be a busy 2 weeks, I started to do some work outside and we are going to visit our daughter who is moving into her first house. I'm not sure how much I'll be blogging in the next weeks but I'll try at least to stay current with all of you. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Don't worry, we'll have internet...eventually. :D


    1. 1we are not even gone yet that I'm suffering from internet withdrawal... this should be priority number 2, one being you need electricity :)

  2. Enjoy your time away and congrats for raising such a great kid. Love the quote, too. So true.

    PS: We had leftover bird but we often do have bacon and eggs for supper.

    1. Thanks but we only won at the 'kids lottery' and we got the best 2 that were available!

      From someone eating pizza for breakfast, I'm not surprise about your bacon and eggs supper LOL We do that too!

    2. There is something so wonderful about breakfast at supper.

      Yum, yum.

      Yes, it really sounds like you've got two great girls.

  3. Age is certainly a number, and we have to play whatever cards we are dealt. I've always believed that you should make the best of any situation - good or bad - and change what you can. There is an expression that goes like this: "If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree." Indeed.

    Have a wonderful visit with your daughter!

    1. Thanks Martha,

      Indeed we are not trees! all our life we change and adapt, we can look for situation as a growing experience or as a bullet to carry on.

      Spoiler alert, I'm off to bake a peanut butter and banana bread, are you coming up North in the next hour? LOL

  4. Have a brilliant few weeks - I'm sure they will be busy.

    Exciting times for your daughter, that's wonderful.

    All the best Jan

  5. Have a brilliant few weeks - I'm sure they will be busy.

    Exciting times for your daughter, that's wonderful.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, a good thing we are retired, we have time to help out when needed.
