
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Half and Half

Yesterday was a big anniversary, well maybe I'm exaggerating, it was a half anniversary; It has been six months since I took this journey to health!
So many times, I took the path to health but end up in a dead end. So many times when I was so motivated and by the end of the third day, I was back on track to maintaining my overweight and add some.
What is the main difference between this time around and all the other unsuccessful times?

Mentally ready
Like a lot of others, I always knew that I had to lose weight for my health. But there is miles apart between knowing and doing. This times, I had proof of my poor life choice; I had to take one small pills for my cholesterol.
Strangely, February first when I started I knew there was no turning back, I could feel that I would get where I need to go. I mentioned that already but this is really the biggest change: I didn't “want” to lose weight, I “need” to lose weight.
When you want something, it is just too easy to compromise. When you need something, you do everything you have to. This also mean that I was doing the best I could all the time and not struggling with any decision.

Be positive and motivate
Failures and excuses were not part of my language. If you think you can, you can! We have to have faith in ourselves, forget the past! we all can do what we need, don't we?
The greatest source of motivation is reading those lines right now. I believe 75% of my motivation is from blogging, I keep myself accountable and now with being more conscious that I might be a trigger for some... just mind blowing and a bucket full of motivation!
Thank you all, you are the cream (no fat) and so sweet (sugar less).


  1. Cool beans! (and they're actually good for you) Happy (six month) healthaversary. How's that for a new celebratory word? Looking forward to your next six months of success! We're keeping an eye on you...

    1. healthaversary is not a good word... try to say it 5 times quickly... I can't so reject! LOL

  2. It makes as big difference when we make changes because our health is not in good shape.

    1. We can't just wait for the last health issue to take action; It could be the last issue ever! But yes it does put pressure to the motivation :-)

  3. Happy Six Months. Here's to another round of goodness.

  4. Six months is great! I wish you all the best in your pursuits. Bonjour de Montreal! :)

    1. Merci Linda et bonjour de l'Outaouais (Val-des-Bois)
